Grrrrr! I have only myself to blame. I was overjoyed to find my wife was clever enough to keep our digital camera out of storage. Yesterday was a glorious day. Windy, sunny and occasional showers, cold. The mountains looked fantastic draped in clouds and rain. I thought it would be great to take the family up to Mt Ainslie lookout and snap some landscapes of the city with magnificent Brindabellas in the background.
Get camera, try to turn on. Dead battery. Recharger in storage, where I put it!! Grrrr!
We went up the mountain anyway and it lived up to all my expectations. Tremendous views. We also went to see our first home. Our youngest was born there on the living room floor and he wanted to see it. I was also interested to see how all my trees were going ten years later. The ones that hadn't been removed or had died (don't know which) were beautiful and tall. It was at this house that I also spent 6 months and $3,000 building a darkroom in the backyard. Gone! Removed? Not there! Sadness. Disbelief. Severe annoyance. Except for the technical bits like plumbing and electricity it was all engineered and built by hand by my wife and I.
Get camera, try to turn on. Dead battery. Recharger in storage, where I put it!! Grrrr!
We went up the mountain anyway and it lived up to all my expectations. Tremendous views. We also went to see our first home. Our youngest was born there on the living room floor and he wanted to see it. I was also interested to see how all my trees were going ten years later. The ones that hadn't been removed or had died (don't know which) were beautiful and tall. It was at this house that I also spent 6 months and $3,000 building a darkroom in the backyard. Gone! Removed? Not there! Sadness. Disbelief. Severe annoyance. Except for the technical bits like plumbing and electricity it was all engineered and built by hand by my wife and I.
Podcast on open source geospatial
Web 2.0 Conference 2005 October 5-7, 2005, San Francisco, CA A podcast about geospatial stuff, with me and your host Howard Butler: "We discuss Open Source GIS , the Canadian government's role in supporting OGC ...
I recycle my old stuff here bike maybe you should too
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