Thursday, November 18, 2004

Coogee Oval

We have bought a place at last. We have paid, in my estimation, the arms and legs of an elephant. Houses prices are still ridiculous. Our brief sojourn living with the mother-in-law (may she live forever in peace and tranquility) will come to an end in about four weeks. Some of you may know that the apartment overlooks Coogee oval. It is this aspect I will miss the most. Its the cultural centre of Coogee. Everything happens there. We have seen the Australian Rugby Union team training there. My son was in raptures to see his heroes. I shall miss Saturday afternoons sneaking in to watch the big Rugby games. Early mornings I see a young woman doing innumerable slow laps of the oval; a group of people share her space with their trainer as they lift weights, do push ups and waddle and cheat their way through a few sprints. The afternoons see the mums and dads wandering the turf with their kiddies; the ex-pat Brits playing soccer with piled shirts for goal posts; Aussies playing touch football. The changing season has seen changes in sport. Saturday nights see the young folk smoking and drinking boisterously on the stand; and sadly some them vandalise the place. The early mornings also see the grounds keepers turning up to tend the cricket pitch and the ground. They seem immune to the odd bit of vandalism, and with the infinite patience and skill of the pastoral worker repair and mend their charge. By far the majority of people respect this jewel in the crown of Coogee. It's a wonderful community and I shall miss being at it's heart however I am going to love having a family home again.


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